
Savings calculator

See how much you can reduce your expenses with efficient fleet management!

Savings calculator

Simulează un calcul al economiei pe care o poți obține, folosind calculatorul. Vezi care sunt avantajele financiare de care poți beneficia în prezent, dar și în contextul creșterii flotei tale de vehicule.

"*" indicates required fields

E-mail address*

* Calculele realizate sunt orientative și depind de exactitatea informațiilor introduse.
** Prețul carburantului este calculat în funcție de prețul mediu la pompă din fiecare zi.



After having received the original contract signed by you, TrackGPS technical team will deliver and install your devices.
The price offer is customized depending of the vehicles number and your specific needs. You can use the Savings Calculator or Customize a price offer.

Keep your needs in mind, read the description of our solutions and you can identify which one is suitable for you. Then, you can configure a price offer depending on your requirements, solutions and the number of your vehicles.

Location, Route, Roadmap, Daily activity log (FAZ) and other up to 120 types of reports, depending on the selected features.
Our equipment uses GPS tracker that require a SIM card which switches to roaming once the vehicle crosses the border.
Installing time depends on the solution you have purchased, the vehicle type, the installing terms and conditions and other such variables. This can take from 20 minutes to 3 hours.
The size may vary depending on the solution chosen. It can measure from 65mm x 55mm x 20mm up to 105mm x 70mm x 35mm.
No special maintenance required. TrackGPS will be installed on any vehicle that has a working electrical system.
If you choose a simple GPS, we offer you a user’s guide and you can install yourself. However, installing of lithrometric probes is performed by TrackGPS technicians.
No, most of our solutions are non-invasive. We use clips (in order to prevent cutting the wires), Bluetooth sensors (not to damage your vehicle in any way) and some equipment that has its own autonomy (in order to avoid using your vehicle’s power supply).